I just bought a Prius. It's the coolest car and has all kinds of George Jetson gadgets that I still don't know how to use. One of the things that fascinates me is the electric motor. Every time I stop the car, and sometimes when I'm moving, it switches from gas to electric mode and goes eerily silent. I can't hear myself driving, and that's really, really weird. It's sort of like I'm running errands under water.
In fact, I'm so stealthy that pedestrians don't hear me either.
So I was thinking that maybe the Prius should come with some sort of warning accessory that's not as rude as a car horn. I don't want to scare the crap out of someone when I'm in stealth mode, but I don't want to flatten them either. I'm considering a few options for my early warning system. There's always the pleasant, bucolic clang of a cow bell, or I could play "Bohemian Rhapsody" on the kazoo, or maybe turn the bass waaaay up on the sound system and blast a little Tupac. Or Carl Kasell.
Drive-by shooting soundtrack? Ok, I'm from Oz so don't know if that's not PC.
I think they should hire professional radio talent and pay them exorbitant rates to make recordings of throat clearing and phrases like,"um, pardon me, please." (Or -- for even more money -- phrases like "*&$#*&(#, WTF do you think you're doing?") What do you think?
I dunno about a drive-by shooting soundtrack. We're a little sensistive to that sort of thing in So Cal.
And recordings by professional radio talent. Hmmmm. Got anyone in mind?
>>> Got anyone in mind?
Neal Conan?
Or Howard Stern.
COOL looking wheels there! Those people walking around wired to their ipods or their phones had best look out!!!
With me driving I think everyone had better look out!
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