Well, I'd take my head off, too, if I had to wear this thing. But creating holiday sweater styles is a very serious biz, according to the Style section of today's
New York Times:
We may not remember that there are real, sophisticated people coming up with ideas for these things at companies like Coldwater Creek, Talbots, Marisa Christina, Quacker Factory and Berek every year, not some committee of demented elves pulling subjects at random from Santa’s bag of tricks — i.e., ice-skating penguins, fiber-optic candy canes, halls-decking bunnies and so on.
That's because the demented elves are too busy making tacky holiday outfits for dogs.
Wait a minute here! Just because I don't look god in those sweaters doesn't mean my precious pooch doesn't. I've actually found earmarked copies of Bark with a sweater he's actually picked out and had his heart set on. Why just the other day I found a Petco coupon for 20% off doggie duds.
Don't be so quick to judge. our canine companions dream of guiding Santas sled tonight. Have you not heard of "Olive the other reindeer?" i rest-my case.
You're right, Zack does look adorable in anything he wears, whether it's a Christmas outfit or an aloha shirt. But some dogs need personal shoppers. I'm just saying...
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