I'm so tired of having Jehovah's Witnesses ringing my doorbell and asking if I'd like a pamphlet about Jesus. And I appreciate the whole freedom of religion thing, but some religions seem to have more freedom than others. But I digress.
I know these people have the right to go door to door selling Jesus, but I hate hate hate it when they ring the doorbell of a house with a mezuzah. Hello? We're Jews. We're not looking to switch teams. If you're such a big religious scholar then you should be able to recognize Hebrew.
And that thing on my doorpost isn't a crack pipe with a note from my mom inside.
Sorry we bother you about so much. (I'm a Jehovah's Witnesses myself) I you dont want them to come back just say I'm not interested and I dont want you to come back here. That useally does the trick.
I used to be a bit annoyed by those door-knocking bible-thumpers too. I've changed. I am happy that they spread their religious passion by offering to talk to me. They try to be pleasant and do take not thank you as an answer. I find myself comparing them to those religious fanatics that believe they need to either convert, subjugate or execute those of other beliefs. Now, when the JW's come to my door, I graciously explain that I am Jewish, but I add that in view of the ever-present violence in the Middle East, I appreciate that they offer their messages in such a peaceful way.
Hey not all of us are clueless!
Anyhoo, since you guys are waiting on the Messiah perhaps next time we can discuss him - we praise and honor him ourselves ;^)
Just to set the record straight, I'm always polite when the JWs come to the door. I point out the mezuzah, we exchange pleasantries, and it's over. Until another JW comes by and it's Deja Jew all over again.
Depending on my mood, I'll either out-talk them or ask them why they aren't in India or Africa doing something more practical or a combination of both. Come Easter, we have Mormons, JW's and Seventh Day Adventists all chasing converts but asking for their views on same-sex marriage sends them off.
They don't like to be questioned.
Like anonymous said, just tell them to take you off their list, and they should leave you alone for 6 months.
We've only had one encounter in the 8 years in our house. Could be that DH, being a former JW, gives off bad vibes?
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